Scripture for the week: Job 22:21 (KJV) “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.”
Prayers For The Week:
- Father Lord, thank you for continuing to protect me and my family during this pandemic.
- Lord Jesus, thank you for the grace that I and my family have enjoyed since this pandemic has started; to You be the Glory!
- Fire of God, destroy the seed of unrighteousness and the root of any besetting sin in my life.
- I program continual blessings unto the sun, the moon and the stars for my life and my family.
- Blood of Jesus, shield my family from arrows of strange diseases and untimely death.
- Every wicked altar in the heavenlies against my life, I throw you down.
- Evil hands moving my divine clock backward, whither and catch fire.
- Father, I need a divine intervention in my situation; manifest your power in my life.
- O Lord, revive and propel MFM Rockville, MD to it divine next level.